From Trafalgar Editions We share the news of our next campaign on April 30th in Kickstarter:
Austerlitz 1805:

Its strengths are a simple game system and the aesthetics of its clear map without grid or zones. The units will move in the same way as in miniature scenery, using reference templates.
This title recreates Napoleon's greatest victory, also known as "The Battle of the Three Emperors," in which he defeated the troops of the Austro-Russian Alliance.

It Is a system suitable for players of wargaming demanding, as well as to start in this type of games, because, without leaving aside the historical rigor and the simulation, it is very accessible for all the levels.
The players will find rules covering the use of artillery and rifle discharges, shrapnel, cavalry charges, infantry formations and a moral system that will make you feel immersed in one of the most emblematic battles of the time.

On April 30th, you can get along with it, as well as an update on the Waterloo tokens, as we have increased the size of the chips to collect more information.
We are Also finishing a book on the Battle of Austerlitz, to include it as add-on of the campaign (here we show you a preview of the book)

In Addition to all this, we keep some surprise for the patrons, which we will reveal during the campaign.
We thank You in advance for the diffusion you can give to our campaign.
Receive a cordial greeting

Our social networks, in which we will inform about all the novelties:
Twitter: @TrafalgarEd