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turn of 45 ° and more…

Hello everyone

We have uploaded to the website download area at Trafalgar, 45 ° turn template to avoid suspicions and resentments when playing in ‘Championship’ mode

Also find scenarios free, example of game with photos to leave clear as is moves and how is combat in addition to see how works the wind in our ship.

Do you think little? as you have also the combat of Trafalgar divided in 5 mini scenarios so you animes to play already! and a regulation to play Championships.

But the best thing, the forums area. That’s where he is discovered all the dimension that is giving this line ships, and we will be uploading news on new components, photographs of fans, how to paint, how to candles, questions, collaborations… all.

Also is all in English, for those friends from outside our borders.


Downloads Trafalgar

Mount Sails

Hello everyone

having put more than 700 sails, I must tell you something very important; What do need to mount the candles of my wargame?:

  • Patience
  • Rock
  • Bourbon

Not necessarily in that order, but patience is essential.

And if in addition short sails with a utility knife or scissors, better.

And if you have a file, better than better, because some have been burrs (but that already knew you) that it is necessary to file so that it fits snugly.

Not tightening as if it were the last thing you did in your life, because you will end up breaking sail. Be careful, if it does not fit, there are microminuscula burrs that you’ll have to see (the magnifying glass is hell in these cases) and after removing it, the sail is placed like a glove.

I hope to have served as support.

Greetings to all.

check out the sails of your ships of line stop