Trafalgar Ed 11 to October 15 Cordoba

Dear friends, on October 11 will be in Cordoba in the 12th Festival International of games of Córdoba, with all of our games:

  • Norway 1940 on Kickstarter campaign!
  • Waterloo 1815
  • Trafalgar 1805
  • new projects
Wednesday, 11 October (19:30-01:00):
19:30-1:00 demonstration of Norway 1940 (we're on Kickstarter campaign)
19:30-1:00 line ships: Trafalgar 1805
Thursday, October 12 (11-21:30):
11:00-21:30, Norway 1940
11:00-21:30, line vessels: Trafalgar 1805
11:00-21:30, 1815 Waterloo: Napoleon's last battle
Friday, October 13 (11-01:00):
11:00-1:00, Norway 1940
11:00-1:00, ships of the line: Trafalgar 1805
11:00-1:00, Waterloo 1815: the last battle of Napoleon
15:00-1:00, Pirates of the Caribbean (prototype)
15:00-1:00, duels (prototype)
Saturday, October 14 (12:00-01:00)
11:00-21:30, Norway 1940
11:00-21:30, line vessels: Trafalgar 1805
11:00-21:30, 1815 Waterloo: Napoleon's last battle
15:00-21:30, duels
15:00-21:30, Pirates of the Caribbean
Sunday October 15 (11:00-15:00):
11:00-15:00 demonstration of Norway 1940 (we're on Kickstarter campaign)
11:00-15:00 line ships: Trafalgar 1805
In all cases we will split demonstration and explanation of rules.
Norway 1940
link to the project in Ks:
We carry store and in addition to games and books, have components for games posted:
-Fortifications of Waterloo
-50 markers for Waterloo
-trip to Waterloo templates
-templates of movement and shooting for Trafalgar
-set 10 large methacrylate red explosion
-set of 10 blasts naval blue small methacrylate
-set of 10 ships sunk in resin
-rose wood
We hope to see you there, don't miss it to the appointment!

Norway 1940 on Kickstarter

Dear friends, as you know we're in campaign for the game of Norway 1940, on the platform kicstarter which we have introduced improvements in the objectives (strech goals) and contributions (pledgeds) both for individuals as physical (shops and) clubs) have also introduced a German tanks, Pzabt 40, tab and we have improved the silhouette of the French H39. Encourage you to participate and share with the people of the hobby.