Dear friends, on October 11 will be in Cordoba in the 12th Festival International of games of Córdoba, with all of our games:
- Norway 1940 on Kickstarter campaign!
- Waterloo 1815
- Trafalgar 1805
- new projects
Dear friends, on October 11 will be in Cordoba in the 12th Festival International of games of Córdoba, with all of our games:
Dear friends, as you know we're in campaign for the game of Norway 1940, on the platform kicstarter which we have introduced improvements in the objectives (strech goals) and contributions (pledgeds) both for individuals as physical (shops and) clubs) have also introduced a German tanks, Pzabt 40, tab and we have improved the silhouette of the French H39. Encourage you to participate and share with the people of the hobby.
Here I link you the interview that I did the guys from Fahrenheit77, Mislata radio 88.8fm
Guillermo Beltrán interviews Trafalgar Editions
From the minute 24:50 to 47
I hope you like it.
The interview is in Spanish!!