New review by Dr. Meeple

The blog of Dr. Meeple, dedicated to board games, makes a very interesting review of the game Waterloo 1815: the last battle of Napoleon, then makes it from the point of view of a player novel in games of war or wargames.

Waterloo 1815

It is accompanied by images that you can download from here:

Photos courtesy of Dr Meeple

More accessories for your games of Waterloo and Trafalgar

We have finally brought to light some impact/explosion so that you can use in your games as you want.

They are big in small blue and red.

The material is acrylic.

10 units are in each bag.

Small blue:

Marcador de impacto pequeño – azul

Big Red:

Marcador de impacto Grande – rojo

We hope you like them!

Images painted Trafalgar game

I leave here some precious photographs made by a friend of the BSK and spearhead (Matsu Hiroshi) so can enjoy of them boats painted and mounted in the map of the game:

Allied ships
French and Spanish while tacking
line of attack British
English online attack, 21 October 1805
Two columns of attack British
Seen in perspective: two British attack lines, 21 October 1805
ill-formed Allied line
Another perspective, the line appears curved French hispano on 21 October 1805

And here without paint:

naval combat
fighting naval
line cutting
ships unpainted detail