For this project we are still fighting us with the printing press. They are getting it very hard and likely is to go into Crowdfunding, as is the case with Waterloo, and you will go with your history book, also.
We will continue informing of the evolution of the project, but advancement that the game goes with figures of plastic, map of luxury and simple rules for an intense afternoon reminiscing this brutal battle with a wargame or fun board game; reminiscing the last great naval battle to the 2nd world war in the Pacific, in the Cape Trafalgar, Spain.
We are already coming to close agreements with printing works to submit the game for micro-mecenazgo or Crowdfunding for creative projects.
It contains a fun board game or wargame, or war game, which simulates the battle of Waterloo, the last great battle of Napoleon. It is accompanied by a history book that recounts the events step-by-step.
Excerpt from the book ' 39 Poland: operation Fall Weiss
< Berlin, August 31, 1939.
1 the possibilities of peaceful solving of the problems arising in the West border, where the situation of Germany is intolerable, have failed. I have therefore decided to solve them by force.
2nd attack on Poland will take place according to plans already set. Alterations resulting, with respect to the army, the current state of preparation of the same shall be taken into account. The indication of the tasks and the order of the same are provided for.
The attack date: September 1, 1939.
Hour 4.45 A.M.
Indications correspond to Gydnia, Bay of Danzig and Dirschau bridge operation.
3rd in the West it is important that the responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities falls on England and France. The neutrality of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland should be scrupulously respected.
Polish anti-tank
By land, the West border must not be crossed without my express permission.
At sea: equal order.
4th if England and France breakout of hostilities against Germany, the Wehrmacht in the West's task to preserve their forces until the victorious conclusion of the Poland campaign. Within those limits, the forces enemy and their military and economic resources must be beaten to the extent possible. I will give the order to attack personally, in any case. The army must be ready to defend the west wall and prevent any maneuver flanking by the powers of the West, if they violate the territory of Belgium and the Netherlands.
To carry the war to England, the direction of the Luftwaffe attacks will focus on interruption of the arrival of supplies by sea, in attacks on the industry of war and to disrupt the transport of troops to France.