Our products are divided into books, games, and accessories.
There is a great selection of books of history of Spain, history of the humanity and battles of different times directed to the great public in general. Simple, easy to read, with sheets and graphics, binding as well as explanatory maps that can help to understand what happened. For them readers more demanding will publish books of research about events of the history of Spain and battles decisive of the history of the humanity.
Also will have of a great collection of games of table fun or wargames with which may simulate them made historical that is recounted in the books of history. Enjoy learning history and representing them made in a map with chips! Or simply enjoyment of a game with all luxury of details.
Accessories you will find elements of stage design, painting service and new models of ships, as well as unique ships like the Trinity or the Victory, rose of the winds, combat in metacritalo templates, and more.
Trafalgar Editions